Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Things have settled down since my last month of travels. This next month’s big ministry event will be the 9th-21st when I work with the local believers as they learn and develop new discipleship strategies. Along with helping the Poles I am also very excited about revamping our existing coffee shop ministry. At the end of this month I will travel down to Krakow (south Poland) where I will meet up with another M who runs a coffee shop ministry to share ideas and ask questions. The hope for the new ministry is to meet weekly in a hotel conference room. Each week we will host a different theme (ex. Movie night, game night, bring in live artist/musicians). The draw of the place will be offering free coffee and English conversation along with the scheduled activity for that evening. All this of course is to build new relationships and share the gospel.

Prayer request:
*We can find a place to live in a new area of town which we hope to start ministry projects come fall: We are hoping to find a big enough place to allow all the Journeygirls to live together as well as have discipleship groups meet in our home.
*pray as we collaborate as a team to create new ministry projects: projects like bible distribution and starting a new church
*For our new revamped weekly coffee shop ministry: pray we continue working out logistics such as location, advertising and weekly themes
*GROM: for two weeks in August (9th-21st) Poles will be training Poles in street evangelism and discipleship techniques.

*We have had over 15 people request a bible and a monthly discipleship program.
*weekly new people are coming to church
*The weather has been warm and sunny!

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