Friday, August 8, 2008

You just have to laugh

So as many of you may know. For about the first 3 ½ weeks of me living in Poland I was unable to get or receive mail because I was without a key to my mailbox and zip code. Well I figured if I just waited for the Landlord to give me my mailbox key I then could look on the mail that was left in the mailbox by the pervious resident and get my zip code. It seemed like a good idea until the landlord called Sean my SC and told me that my mailbox never had a key and that it would be my responsibility to find a way to get into my mailbox. So Sean came over and with a coat hanger created a key.

So I finally have a “key”! Next I got into my mailbox to get the mail and finally figure out my zip code. Well every piece of mail in the box had a different zip code on it. So my idea failed at the point. But the good news is Sean and I, with the help of Jessica and Amber found that the zip code was posted on the top of the mail box the whole time.

Looking back it a funny story that you just have to laugh. You have to do that a lot here or the “logic” of Poland will make you go crazy.

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