Hey everyone! The last month or so has been crazy busy! Between moving into a new apartment and going to Germany for a company conference along with new ministries that have started up here in Olsztyn I can easily say I have/had a lot on my plate. However, through it all the Lord has been amazing and I thank Him for all the new ministries going on here and getting to reconnect with both American and Polish friends. Below I attached a link so you can see some of the pictures that I took in Germany. I still have not posted the new apt. pictures but once I do I’ll make sure I post the link to that as well. Hope everyone is doing well.
Prayer request:
· The big coffee house launch this Thursday-please pray that people will come and that through coffee house we can meet new contacts and share the THRUTH with them.
· Alfa Groups- This is a Polish discipleship group that meets in our apartment. Pray that those coming to seek would find salvation is Christ alone
· All saints and all souls day (oct.31-nov.1)-This is the day that people will go and place candles and flowers on loved ones graves and pray for them in hopes to get them closer to heaven. Pray as we prayer walk the cemeteries that Christ light and hope would shine through us.
Pictures of my time in Germany: