Tuesday, February 24, 2009

We serve an awesome God

This last week was truly one of those weeks that I just had to stand back and be in AWE of the Lord. To start off…At the beginning of the week I was a little discouraged at the fact that I have been on the field for 7 months and had yet to have a spiritual conversation with a non believer. So during my quite time that was one of the things I talked to the Lord about. In return He gave me an amazing week with numerous opportunities to share Him and praise Him.

Tuesday: I go do ESL work in the villages. Well we ended up not having class in Olsztynek so instead we made a home visit. That was the first time I had made a home visit and I think it went well. We told the Bible story of Joshua and the wall of Jericho and sang songs together with the children. Bother the mother and father stayed in the room and listened to the story and watched the children have fun making the craft and singing songs.

Wednesday: A lady come to 3C (coffee house) and I ended up getting to share the gospel with her. She is a Catholic theology student at the university but she is open to hear what I believe. We are going to continue to meet on Wednesday mornings.
Thursday: At 3C we have been having several college students attending. Well just one came on Thursday and I was able to share with her too! We talked about child/infant baptism, confession, the pope, original sin, Mary, the rosary, the authority of scripture, the blood of Jesus and way he died, and the hope that we can have by knowing Jesus. She describes herself as a post modern thinker. She was interested in hearing what I believe.

(Left: Me standing out in the middle of a frozen lake)

Saturday: In the morning I went with my language teacher and her family to feed the ducks a one of lakes in town. The lakes have frozen over here so I actually got to go out and walk on it. It was pretty cool! I also had a girl’s night with a polish fiend. After our girls night I took her back to her apt. I stayed for some tea and ended up having a spiritual discussion. She asked questions and I told her what I believe and the path of salvation. She was interested in what was discussed and she wanted to come to church with me on Sunday.
(Right: a picture of the yummy food we ate)

Sunday: My friend came to church! During church she asked questions and began to read the Bible that I gave to her. After church she wanted to go somewhere and talk and reflect on what she had just heard. We ended up going back to my apt. and we talked about the church service, answered questions that she had, I laid out the Roman Road for her. She told me that she was going to start reading the Bible and I am meeting with her again on Thursday.

Bottom line: The Lord is good and I was able to share the path of salvation and the Hope that we can find in Him! Three times in one week!