Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Waiting Game

February 15th, the infamous day where letters are received and two year commitments are finalize is quickly approaching. Yet not fast enough for me. I wait in anticipation as the next two years is decided for me. Thinking to myself daily the affairs I need to get in order when that letter comes. The new daily agenda of language learning and learning how to drive a stick is just a few of the new items that will consume my time here in the States before I leave to embrace on a new journey which the Lord has set before me. Excited, extremely! Nervous, terribly! However, I know the Lord as ordained a special task for me, one that fits my own personal talents. I want so badly to be able to answer all those who ask the questions “where are you going?” and “what will you be doing?” but I can’t I can only speculate and hope. So until the 15th I’m playing the waiting game.
xoxo Bailey

Friday, January 18, 2008

Who would have known?

The Lord has an amazing sense of humor I once again found out. Oh how little we think we know what’s best for us. I really do believe I make Gods side hurts sometimes. You know with all the laughing He probably does at me when I tell Him my plans.

I came to Virginia this week to seek the Lords will for me. And as usual I tried to take complete control. I told the Lord the area I wanted to go to and the job qualifications I wanted. I specifically informed Him that I did not want to work with certain age groups or go to certain places. Well… as you can probably figure from this my plan didn’t really turn out the way I had hoped. Everything I thought I didn’t want the Lord gave me, ever place I didn’t have an interest in he showed me. No it didn’t turn out at all the way I was hoping, no it turned out even better!

The Lord continues to amaze me with his Perfect will and sovereign power. Oh how He has written such a beautiful love song for me if I would only seat long enough to hear it play.